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Sunday, September 8, 2013

New School Year....This mom's getting her act together!

School starts tomorrow, and all of the fall activities just days after that.  My goal is to keep our family as organized as I can, so I'm trying to set ourselves up for success.   One of my biggest "ughs!" is planning dinner.  I don't mind the cooking, just the thinking about what to have and then figuring out if I have what I need to get it on the table.   I sat down and made a meal plan for September and October.  It took about 25 minutes or so, and viola!  Here's a peek...
Life happens, so I have some last minute frozen pizzas in the freezer!

I like the unscheduled life of summer, but it's time to get a daily routine for myself going again.  I came across a great challenge that focuses on exercise, daily devotions and healthy eating!  It starts 9/16 and I'm so excited!  For more info on Peak 313's 5 week challenge, check out

Happy New School Year!